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Beginner Steel Clubbell Workout

This steel clubbell workout consists of 50 seconds of work and a 10-second rest, with four exercises in total. Power through all of them.

I like to train with the Maverick Bamboo Indian clubbell, but a steel clubbell will suffice.

The steel clubbells circuit will take you four minutes to complete, and once you’ve finished one side, change your grip and repeat the exercises on the other side. Repeat the four exercises again for four minutes. After completing both sides, take a 60-second rest, then move on to the second set. This will give you four minutes of work on each arm, totaling 16 minutes of exercise with a 60-second transition rest in between. In total, the workout will last about 17 minutes.

Now let’s go through the exercises. The first one is the arm cast: keep your elbow tucked in at a 90-degree angle, shoulder down, hold the club in the hammer grip, muzzle pointing to the sky, put it in your back pocket, ensuring your elbow stays close to your ear. Avoid flaring out your ribs, pull down from the lap, bringing the elbow back to the starting position. Keep your abs tight and glutes engaged, lower the club into the ordered position. Perform this for 50 seconds, followed by a 10-second rest.

Next, we have the swing squat. Stand with your feet slightly wider apart, swing the club forward, catch it at the bottom position, swing and catch. Try to keep your forearms parallel to the floor, arm staying up at shoulder height, elbows locked out, shoulders down. Repeat this for 50 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.

Moving on to the flag press: begin in the ordered position, hold the club with a hammer grip, drive the club forward and up away from your body. If needed, extend your hand to the side for added stability. Draw back your shoulder blade, squeeze through, pull the elbow back into the ordered position. Press forward and up, then squeeze through and return. Perform this for 50 seconds, followed by a 10-second rest.

Lastly, we have the clock squat. Cast the clubbell out to the side, perform a full 360-degree rotation, catch it on the opposite shoulder, cast out again. Repeat this for 50 seconds, followed by a 10-second rest. Then switch to the left side and perform all four exercises on that side. Afterward, take a 60-second rest and prepare for your next round.

That wraps up today’s workout. I hope you enjoyed it, and I’ll see you in the next one. Thanks!

P.S. Want more clubs and maces workouts?

Check out: https://www.maverickmace.com/